Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Reading: 4/24/11

Card of the Day: Page of Swords
Interpretation: A message of enlightenment! Or at least learning and studying. Good news!

Past: Three of Swords

A hiccup in the road of life. It's not as heartwrenching as this card implies, but it's there. The depression exists, but...

Present: Ten of Cups

There is a ray of sunlight, in the hope of a warm fire. There is love and completeness. The heart is full of love, connected to others in unbreakable bonds.

Future: The Moon

But what is ahead is unknown, and unknowable, but what we predict causes apprehension. there are worries, but we brace ourselves and walk forward proudly.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Three of Wands
Reflection: ... I'm getting better and predicting pretty much exactly what these mean. Either that, or I'm choosing to fulfill them myself. Friggin' self-fulfilling prophecies...

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