Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life and Fantasy

Card of the Day: Reversed Five of Wands
Interpretation: Destructive conflict. BUT I HAVE STUFF I NEED TO GET DONE!

Fiction is fun to read. I have enjoyed books from all genres, but as you can probably guess, I tend to gravitate toward fantasy. But there is a specific subgenre of fantasy, often found in webcomics, that I enjoy the most: "Life Embellished". Basically, it is the normal world where weird crap happens.

Let me give a few examples:

  • El Goonish Shive

    This comic is about a group of 8 teenagers. It's either about how they save the world through magical force while going to high school. Or it's about the drama that 8 high school teenagers have to deal with while crazy magical crap happens. We're not sure. Also, gender-benders, space aliens, and personality powers. The only problem is that the pacing is lacking. It's better than it sounds. Honest.
  • Emergency Exit

    A bunch of people live in an apartment building that contains a portal to other dimensions. They are all in the building because they all have some manner of skilled expertise that allows them to beat the crap out of enemies. Some of them are still figuring out what that is. Still, there's a lot of focus on their normal lives and relationships, and not just the fantastic elements.

I think I enjoy this genre the most because it is closer to home. I prefer fantastic stories as a form of escapism, because reality is slightly too boring for me. This genre is basically "Hey, this could happen to me!" Not that it ever will, but one can have unrealistic fantasies, can't they?

Yesterday's Card: The High Priestess
Reflection: What the hell is wrong with me? I can't seem to get anything done whatsoever!

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