Friday, April 22, 2011

Puzzle Peaces

Card of the Day: Ace of Wands
Interpretation: I have the power! No seriously. This claims to be a new beginning. All I have to do is reach out and seize it. Think I can do it?

I am silk.
I float gently on translucent wings.
I am on the lips of every crying child.
I am the prayer of every frightened mother.
What am I?

I am peace.
I am silence.
I am the shoulder to cry on.
I am the arms with an embrace.

But I am alone.
I whisper glimmering words.
Unheeded, they fall to the ground.
Flames dance upon innocent faces,
And I burn.

I was peace.
I was silence,
But I have drowned in a bloody river.
I am lost in the despairing moans.

I can’t hear.
My sheltering arm is dead.
The children who call my name,
The mothers who cry for help,
All are silenced.

I was peace.
I was silence,
But War has taken my name,
And Death has taken my face.

Heed them not!
The peace of War is but a sham,
And Death brings naught but silence.
Yet their honeyed words and golden lies
Fool them all.

Words of peace,
Words of silence,
I would give the world to them,
Yet still they turn away.

I am gold.
I am more valuable than diamonds.
I am what every child wishes for
When thunder rumbles in the distance.
What am I?

I am a dream.
I am an illusion.
I am what everyone wishes for,
But nobody seems to want.

What am I?
I was peace.
I was silence.
But now... I am gone.

This is an original piece I used for a Forensics competition my senior year of high school. I "performed" it in addition to Lord Byron's "Darkness" with the theme of "What is Peace?" This is, in my opinion, one of my best works. Of course, an artist's opinion of his own work tends to be rather useless or contrary, but hey, someone has to see it first, right?

Yesterday's Card: Three of Cups
Reflection: I had a mini-celebration of life yesterday. It wasn't an All-Campus party, but it was uplifting nonetheless.

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