Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friendship: Worst Thing Ever

Card of the Day: Two of Wands
Interpretation: Clearly, a choice. The implication is that the key only opens one of the boxes, but I don't think that's the case. I think the key disappears when used to open one. You can still admire the box not chosen, but you will never know what's inside.

So there's this thing called friendship. The insidious, nasty thing that it is. It creeps into your life when you least expect it, asking for favors and love. It's just like a lost, lonely little puppy. You know you shouldn't let it in, you have no room and no time, but you just can't bear to see it out in the cold, and so, against your better judgment, it makes itself at home.

There are four ways this tale can end:

  1. The puppy grows to love you, and you grow to love it. The relationship formed is beneficial to both, and everyone is happy. HAPPY END.
  2. You grow to love the puppy, but all it does is enjoy your hospitality. Basically, those big puppy eyes let it get away with anything. BAD END?
  3. The puppy grows to love you, but you want nothing to do with it. In this case, why are you even keeping it? Some parental sense of duty? BAD END?
  4. There is a sense of mutual dislike. That puppy is now out on the street again, or, in more humane circumstances, in the Humane Society or something similar. BAD END
The analogy works nicely for relationships.
  1. Mutually beneficial relationships. Information, company, and resources. What more could you ask for? (More friends ;) ) HAPPY END!
  2. Abusive relationship. You cling to the hope of happiness and delude yourself into thinking you ARE happy, when really the other is taking what he/she wants without giving anything in return. BAD END
  3. Perhaps you've realized he/she wasn't right for you. Now, are you "abusing" the other in your relationship? Or are you just too distant? BAD END?
  4. Mutual hatred? How is that a healthy relationship? BAD END

In the last 8 years, I have managed to create some fantastic relationships of type 1, but you wouldn't believe me the way I talk about them. I do something I call "the reversed sliding scale of friendship". I have one friend I claim I actually like. The rest I "hate".

OmegaGoo presents:
"The Reasons Friends Suck"

Friends are horrible people. They eat your schedule like there's no tomorrow. You REALLY want to do this one thing NOW, but NOOOO, your friends have this other thing in mind, for some irrational reason, you decide to join them. Then, even if you want to grumble that you're not doing this other thing, you have a good time despite yourself. It sucks.

Of course, they also spoil any bad moods you're in. You've hit a low point, and you just want to feel sorry for yourself. You've all had those times, right? Well, good friends prevent you from having those. Screw that. If I want to be depressed, dammit, let me be depressed!

On top of that, sometimes your friends pull off a creative display that you're envious of. Conflicting emotions aren't fun to deal with, but really, they're your friends, right? So you're envious, because you wish you could do that, but you're also proud of them, because they're your friend. How DARE they make you feel conflicted!

And this is why friends are the worst things in the world. There is certainly more, but I believe this should be sufficient to support my point.

So yes, I hate all my friends. That should tell you how blessed I truly feel.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Five of Coins
Reflection: I claimed something lucky would happen. I successfully retrieved my DSi and my iPod. I'd call that lucky.

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