Monday, April 25, 2011

As If

Card of the Day: Reversed Four of Wands
Interpretation: Incompleteness. Something is broken. The good news: I know what it is. The bad news: I'm not sure I have the proper tools to fix it.

I whisper in your ear.
I squeeze your hand.
I kiss your cheek,
As if you would believe me.

I plead with my eyes.
The tears begin to slide.
I hold you one last time,
As if you really cared.

I stare at the floor.
I glance at the sky.
I hold your gaze,
As if I could speak.

But you stand up.
You turn your head.
You walk away,
As if I disappeared.

Time ebbs, flows, and passes.
Life carries on.
The clock keeps ticking,
As if nothing happened.

My heart burns.
I cry your name.
I weep alone,
As if you would return.

I write a letter:
A simple poem of love,
A broken scroll of fear,
As if you would listen.

The empty spaces fade.
The tide slips away.
The sky frowns on earth,
As if the world would end.

The eyes bleed.
The throat is silent.
The sleep comes in stillness,
As if no one was there.

This is the last of my old poetry I will be posting for a while (Unless I can find Falsify. There's a story behind that one.). This one has no particular reason, I just really like it. Yes, it's creepy. Yes, it's vague. That's the point. That's how I like to write. It's the reason I prefer poetry to actual writing. I can leave out details and no one blinks an eye. Most of the story is implied.

And no, I don't have psychological issues, and if I do, they would hardly be considered severe. I just used to like morbid poems in high school, just like every other whiny emo teenager. ;)

Yesterday's Card: Page of Swords
Reflection: And I blew it again.

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