Saturday, April 23, 2011

Closed Iris

Card of the Day: Reversed Three of Wands
Interpretation: It's going to be hard for me to get anything accomplished today. Aside from the implications here of pride (and a refusal to change, since that's where I am right now), I am sick. Nothing serious, but I'm really listless (and useless) right now.

Perhaps... a dream
Slowed into stasis,
Taking the time to tarry
For a toast to tribulation.

Swirling clouds of dust
Sweep tentatively across the floor,
Leaving delicate footprints
On the moonlit sand.

The foam of the waves
Becomes trails of lace,
Gracing a life-long hope
With a haunting seam.

Watching, waiting
In a field of silence.
As a doll dances
Through the silver clouds.

One thought bubbles:
“To be or not to be?”
Is, was, am, are, were
Or even will be...

Something to be left
Once, forever, in a dream
With grace, a dance magnificent.
An illusion, a beautiful vision.

What if the eyes open?
What could be seen in the rosy glass?
Trapped in a darkling bottle,
Sailing on an endless sea.

Awaken to a strange new world:
One filled with tears and sweat,
Where faces scream in silence,
And all is black, black, black.

The dirty, rusting promises
Slowly snap in half.
The strands of reality
Unravel like thread.

Return once more to a land
Where chaos reigns supreme,
Yet still offering solace
From the bustling landscape.

Perhaps... a dream:
To collect one’s thoughts,
To scoff at the shelf
Of life’s last hurrah, and laugh.

This was my poem for our poetry unit in AP English, way back in my senior year of high school. I have always enjoyed writing poetry, and this was no exception. The assignment was to write a poem on any subject with a minimum of 6 different poetic techniques. I won't go through what techniques I chose here (I think I might still have that file somewhere, but I don't want to look for it), but I hope you can enjoy it as it is.

Yesterday's Card: Ace of Wands
Reflection: It's a start. I'm not perfect by any means, but I at least have found the path I want to walk. At least, I think I have.

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