Monday, April 18, 2011

Reading: My Worst Enemy

Card of the Day: Two of Wands
Interpretation: Have you noticed that I seem to keep getting the same cards? I have. I think I'll make the choice to change today. I don't think it'll be immediate, but I can at least begin.

I love to read. There is no question as to whether or not I will read a book a friend reccommends. The answer is yes, as soon as I find a copy. Of course, if someone were to ask me whether or not I read on a regular basis, the answer might be surprising.

I do not read on a regular basis.

As I should have made clear, I love to read. Often, there is nothing I would rather do more. Information overload is something I enjoy, and I even prefer role-playing games to other genres for this very reason. There is so much to read and discover!

So why don't I read books very often?

Because I'm so passionate about them. Whenever I read a book, I tend to read it to the exclusion of everything else. I don't socialize. I don't do homework. Hell, I would read it at work. Most importantly, I don't sleep. I have to finish that book now. Yes, I know it will be there tomorrow. That doesn't stop me from wanting to finish it now!

Yesterday, I mentioned in my post that I pulled an all-nighter. I found an online serial that I had to read. Unfortunately, by the time I had convinced myself that it was a good idea to stop reading and get some sleep... I had to be up in 3 hours. Knowing myself, that was a worse idea than just staying up, so I finished the series. I hate myself for that. I want to read more and more books and stories. I don't want to stop, but I need to in order to function in society properly. The farther I get out of high school, the less I read because I have more responsibilities. The world is an evil place. One thing that people are encouraged to do more of is the exact opposite of what I need to do.

I promise, one of these days I will pull myself together and successfully read a book at reasonable hours with actual breaks of getting stuff done.

Yesterday's Card: Three of Coins
Reflection: I swear, this doesn't mean success so much as further connection with my friends.

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