Friday, April 15, 2011

Games Games Games

Card of the Day: Reverse Death
Interpretation: Stagnation. I want to change, but something's preventing me. I blame Sloth.

I have far too many games. Home console, handheld, board games, I have too many. I don't play computer games much, though. I think it's because I like the feeling of a controller in my hand more than I like mouse/keyboard. Or maybe because my computer isn't good enough to play the latest games. Or that I have a Mac. But whatever it is, I don't really play computer games.

First and foremost in my life, I am a gamer. I play games for their entertainment value, to pass the time, and to connect with people. There's only so much you can learn about a person by sitting down and talking to them. Get them into a game, however, and you learn so much more about the person than you ever would through hours of small talk. Plus, meeting through a common interest, such as gaming, makes a much firmer foundation for a budding friendship than mere acquaintance does.

At some point, I'm going to go through each of the games I have and expound their virtues while bashing them for random other reasons. Not only does this allow me to rant about my favorite games, it also lets me remember which games I still need to finish! Trust me, it's a lot more than you think.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Five of Wands
Reflection: I'll be honest. I'm not sure what this even means.

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