Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Step onto the Stage

Card of the Day: Six of Coins
Interpretation: Giving and charity are written in this card. Does it mean I will receive, or does it mean I will give? I hope it really means teamwork, because I can see that working today.

Sometime in the future, probably after I graduate from college, I will learn how to play that bass guitar sitting in my bedroom. I want to be a member of a band. I want to make music. The thing is, I don't know where to begin. I am not a music writer, as I haven't had a lick of music theory education WHATSOEVER. However, I CAN write lyrics, so I'm not completely useless.

Frankly, when it comes down to it, I want to sing in a rock band. Yes, I have every intent of learning to play the bass, but that isn't really my true passion. I'll admit, I don't have the crazy high Tenor voice that most lead singers tend toward in the Rock world (I actually am a second Tenor, so I have a higher voice, just can't hit those REALLY high notes), but that won't stop me from trying. Again, I enjoy writing lyrics (an evolution of my poetry, I guess), and I hope that someday I'll be able to share those lyrics with the world. It's good to have a dream, isn't it?

I can't see myself being famous. This would be a hobby more than anything, but you never know, life works in mysterious ways.

Yesterday's Card: Seven of Swords
Reflection: I keep fluctuating between changing for the better, and reverting to my procrastinating ways. Changing is hard.

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