Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Reading: 4/17/11

Card of the Day: Three of Coins
Interpretation: Perhaps I'll get the necessities done today, though that will be very difficult.

Past: The World

There is a sense of completion. Connections were forged, not necessarily anew, but stronger. It is not my journey that is complete, but I am complete amongst friends.

Present: Reversed Nine of Swords

There is a certain amount of peace. Not because that there is nothing to worry about, but because I'm not worrying about the things I should be worrying about. I need to focus and get things done so they are no longer hanging over my head while I continuously ignore them.

Future: Reversed Seven of Cups

The illusion is gone. Is there even hope for change? But even with the hope dispersed, there is the possibility of seeing the one true path as the veil falls.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Death
Reflection: So I pulled an all-nighter. More details tomorrow. This is NOT changing, as I KNEW this would happen.

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