Monday, April 4, 2011


Card of the Day: Four of Wands
Interpretation: Uh... what? I get a sense of completion here, but one of the traditional interpretations is marriage!? Yeah, no. I get a sense of peace and repose here.

Remote fantasies
Watching on wings of gossamer silk.

They know who I am.
They know what I am
Under the wraps I shroud myself in.

Patient dreams
Watching on wings of golden thread.

The all-consuming desires,
The fearful cries and broken sobs,
They watch my careful, studied steps.

Hungry shadows
Watching on wings of tethered souls.

I sense their longing.
I sense their unheeded desire.
Fear drives me onward, beyond their gaze.

Silent eyes
Watching on wings of frozen tears.

"Away! Away!" I cry.
"These things are not truly mine!"
I plead with the visions they offer.

Hidden masks
Watching on wings of enticing lies.

A glimpse of color,
Rare in a darkened life,
Sparks, illumination for a shadowed soul.

Whispered words
Watching on wings of idle minds.

The world unfolded before me.
A gasp, a glance, a step,
And the world was mine.

Careful smiles
Watching on wings of radiant mirth.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Page of Coins
Reflection: You know, this probably represented my lack of student-like skills again. *sigh*

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