Friday, April 29, 2011

Catch Me When I Fall

Card of the Day: Knight of Cups
Interpretation: This doesn't tell me anything! I know who I am! ...Don't I? Maybe I don't. You know, I actually think I'm happy for this reminder.

I must be honest here: I am hurting. Read yesterday's post if you really want to know why.

But this morning, I took a step back. I reevaluated myself for a moment. Yes, I'm disappointed. Yes, I'm still struggling with my flaws. I can't accept that "everyone has their flaws". Just because they do doesn't mean I want to have them. Striving for perfection in all we do is part of the American Dream, isn't it?

But when I looked into my heart, I was reminded of something. There are chains attached to my heart. No, these aren't the chains of manacles and prisons. These chains form a net that lift me up out of the pit I've dug for myself. These are the bonds that bind me to my friends. My heart is filled with these chains.

So yes, I want to be upset with myself. I am upset with myself. But just knowing that there are people out there who love me for me forces the darkness away. While I can't necessarily see the end of this tunnel, I have a firm handhold that I know will lead out of the shadows.

For that, I thank you all.

Yesterday's Card: Two of Cups
Reflection: Well... I can't say I know exactly what this means, but I was greatly reminded of the harmony I share with other people yesterday.

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