Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Need a Nap

Card of the Day: The High Priestess
Interpretation: A representation of the subconscious. Is my brain telling me something I'm not listening to? (I wouldn't be surprised...)

Sleep is a fickle thing. It is necessary for survival and remaining coherent. It is necessary for focus. And it seems that students never have enough of it. I am no exception (just see yesterday's post!).

Here's my problem: I am not tired when I need to hit the sack. I get up fairly early every day, and there are many days where I can barely function due to lack of sleep. Even on those days, however, I am unable to sleep at the necessary hour, so the cycle continues. I am unsure as to why this is.

I remember hearing of a study that showed that teens and young adults are biologically wired to sleep at later hours than adults. This certainly seems true to me. I have discovered that I should be getting between 8 and 9 hours of sleep at night. I am most awake when I can get to sleep at midnight and wake up at 9. What strikes you as odd about those hours? Well, for starters, 9 is about 3 hours AFTER I need to be awake. The world just does not accept the fact that I have a slightly strange sleep schedule through no fault of my own.

Perhaps I am merely ranting in my continued incoherency. I attempted to get enough sleep last night, and for all intents and purposes, I believe I was successful. So why the heck am I still so friggin' tired!?

Yesterday's Card: Knight of Cups
Reflection: I think this just told me who I am, or something. I don't know, I was REALLY incoherent yesterday.

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