Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Reading: 5/8/11

Card of the Day: Knight of Cups
Interpretation: ... I still don't know what this means. Mostly because I claim I know myself. Maybe I'm just accentuating myself today? I don't know.

Past: Reversed Ace of Wands

Motivation? What's that? I barely scraped by this last week... and I'm just happy it's over.

Present: Reversed Seven of Wands

Finals? What are those? I'm essentially ignoring the fact that finals are right around the corner. I really should be studying hardcore for these, but I'm just kinda sliding along...

Future: Reversed Ace of Swords

It seems that impotence is ready to strike. We'll see if I can overcome my desire for things to already be done, and put in that effort I know I require.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Nine of Swords
Reflection: I feel fantastic... although finals are looming. But they're just finals, you know? I've NEVER worried about finals.

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