Friday, May 6, 2011

My Mother... My Sister

Card of the Day: Reversed Nine of Swords
Interpretation: A sense of repose from finality. In other words, moving on the from the darkness into the light. Specifically, it's the end of the semester. SWEET!

My relationship with my mother is a strange one. We do not treat each other in what most people would consider to be "mother/son" relations. I certainly don't treat her as my mother.

In reality, we have a "big brother/little sister" relation going. I look out for her, and she looks up to me. Like I said, it's weird. Honestly, though, we both love each other dearly, and I think that's what truly matters. Besides, she was probably one of the best mothers I could have asked for when I was little (more on that "tomorrow").

Just a little note: Mom, I love you. Don't EVER forget that. Even though we fight sometimes, I don't want you to forget for one instant how important you are to me. It's why we fight, actually. I want you to be the best you can be. I've seen things you are only just starting to discover, and I know you can do it. So let's rock the world, mmmk?

Yesterday's Card: Seven of Wands
Reflection: Well, even with the stuff I had to do yesterday (some of which were, in fact, difficult), I ended yesterday at the happiest I'd been a while.

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