Sunday, May 8, 2011

What I Like About You

Card of the Day: Reversed Nine of Swords
Interpretation: ...? I mean, I know I feel relieved, and I'm still on my whole "I'M SO DONE" high, but... oh. Right.

Mom, this is for you.

  1. You've always trusted me. There were never restrictions on online or video game time. There were never any parental controls. And with that trust, you made me a man that IS trustworthy, because I wouldn't want to betray that trust of freedom.
  2. You've always let me do what I wanted. Even when you suggested that I was doing "too many things" in high school, you only suggested. You never forced me to do anything I truly didn't want to do.
  3. You've always comforted me. Even when I brought the stress upon myself from too much procrastinating, you were STILL there to comfort me, though you did point out that I'm an idiot. Oh well, I totally deserved it.
  4. You try new things for and with me. As soon as I got into board games, you were there with me. Even if you're pretty sure you won't like it, you try it anyway. I love how you humor me.
  5. You're resourceful. There are many times where you've helped me with a project, and if you couldn't, you knew who to ask. And you were never afraid to help me with anything. Even if you didn't understand it, you were a fantastic sounding board.
  6. You are as much a part of my group of friends as the actual friends. We do all sorts of things together. I still remember that day I got home from work, and a friend pulled in right behind me, with you in the backseat. I hadn't even been at the same place as you guys! Yes, it was really weird, but it did remind me of all the things I love about you.
  7. You are witty. You claim you're not, but you have a way with words that can't really be called anything else. Our verbal spars are some of the more enjoyable I have, though that's probably because every other one I've had devolves into setup and follow-through of the WORST dirty jokes ever...
  8. You made me a geek. That Super Nintendo that started this whole thing? You brought it home. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
  9. An extension of the above: you try. There are a lot of people in this world who won't step outside their comfort zones, even under pressure. You're not one of them. Yes, you love your comfort zone, but who doesn't? Even so, you try the things I throw at you, even if you're not sure you understand them. I love you for that.
  10. You're beautiful. Ok, so that's probably weird coming from your son, but you know what? I'm saying it anyway. No one would believe you are actually the age you are, and you don't even use makeup! How many people have such a natural beauty as that? Not many, I would wager. So don't let anyone tell you that you are anything other than beautiful, because they would be lying.
  11. You have a sense of humor. See your wit above. Pranks, jokes, riddles, and just witty statements, you've got them all. What's not to love?

So Mom, happy Mother's Day. I'm aware that telling the world how awesome you are probably isn't what you want me to do, but you always tell everyone you meet how awesome I am, so I'm just returning the favor.

I love you.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Nine of Swords
Reflection: WE'RE DONE. I am SO done. Done. Done. Done... ok, so I need to study for finals. Whatever. They're not class, at least.

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