Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Gift of Story

Card of the Day: Seven of Wands
Interpretation: Today will be hard, but I'm going to overcome this. I will put in the effort, and I will reap the rewards.

So this, and the next 3 posts, are being posted on Sunday, May 8th, also known as Mother's Day. I must be honest. I'm not one for fanfare. I don't like giving gifts that will be forgotten in 4 weeks. There's no point. Things should not have their value based solely on the act of the gift, and as soon as that act is complete, they lose all value.

No, what I like to give are stories. Humorous or sweet, it doesn't matter. Creativity is key here.

So what did I get for my mom on Mother's Day? A rainbow. No, not a picture, not a prism that makes rainbows. I brought her home an honest-to-goodness natural rainbow, like a paint stroke in the sky. This is a funny story that should last much longer than some chocolate or breakfast in bed.

First, let me state that rainbows mean a lot to my mother. I don't know if it's the biblical symbolism or what, but rainbows put her mind at ease. Thus, this actually had value, even without the story. What happened is this: I was driving home from campus, when I saw the rainbow. I called my mother, and asked her to look outside. She didn't see anything, sadly. However, I noticed that I was moving only slightly faster than the cloud bank above me, and in the same direction, to boot. The sun was shining brightly behind me, thus, the rainbow. I kept her on the phone the entire time I was driving home, describing the rainbow I saw and how I was "bringing it home". About 3 minutes from home, my mother finally saw the rainbow. She was happy, and we were both amused how well that worked. So yes, I brought my mother home a natural rainbow for Mother's day.

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Ten of Swords
Reflection: It's definitely starting to wind down. Conclusions and endings are in sight.

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