Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Reading: 5/15/11

Card of the Day: Reversed Page of Coins
Interpretation: I think I know who this actually represents in my life now. Especially since this is similar to the last time this card came up.

Past: Two of Coins

I was juggling the summer activities with the pressure of finals. Accordingly, I somehow juggled them and succeeded.

Present: Knight of Wands

I am NOT a passionate young man! NOT I TELL YOU! I AM NO SUCH... ok, wow, I guess I am. As I have discovered, I have a passion for writing. Guess what I've been doing a lot of?

Future: Three of Coins

This is success with friends. Reconnections, forging new ones, and, in general, happy fun times all around. Somehow, I knew this would be the card for this week. Here's to a week of successful planning!

Yesterday's Card: Reversed Lovers
Reflection: Is this supposed to represent longing for something I can't have? I'm positive I've come to terms with that, though...

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