Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Card: The Hanged Man (XII)
A time for introspection. Perhaps I need to step back for a moment and choose my direction carefully, rather than walking blindly forward.

I'm not a writer.

I'm not saying I can't write. I'm not saying I don't know my grammatical rules or how to create a coherent and well-supported point. I'm not saying that my depictions are tell, not show.

I'm saying I don't write.

I'd like that to change.

I don't want to be a published writer. I don't want to publish fiction in hardcover or paperback. I don't want to discover some theory or explore some philosophical point that no one has ever thought of before. I don't want to make money off of my writing.

But I want to write, and I want people to know who I am.

I love to create. I love to depict otherworldly vistas, the taste of dust in your mouth, and even the ideas racing through my mind. But most of all, I love adaptation. I love crossovers; mashing 2 worlds or mechanics together to get something completely new. Or even something the same, but with a slight enhancement.

This is who I am.

Perhaps I will discover something to write about. Perhaps I will simply write what I feel. Perhaps I will mix it up. I'm eclectic; I can do that. I can write philosophy. I can write about my favorite video games. I can post a poem or two.

So join me, won't you? We'll see where this story takes me, through all the twists and turns of life.

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