Friday, April 8, 2011

Are You Ready to Oddcon?

Card of the Day: Reversed Chariot
Interpretation: Hmmm... that's not good. I think my little scheme for recruitment will have to wait for tomorrow. Looks like it won't work well today.

Oddcon is this weekend! And you should totally go. It's $25 for a single day's admission, and there's plenty to do! There's a good chance I'll be in the IFGS room, so check us out! (Yes, I'm aware that maybe 5 people read this, and they already know. Do it anyway ;) )

IFGS stands for International Fantasy Gaming Society... though I'm not sure it's actually international. Whatever. We're a not-for-profit organization for social purposes, particularly LARPing. Choose a class, pick up a foam sword, and yell numbers at the people you're hitting! Ok, honestly, there's more to it than that, but that's a good place to start.

My character is a Magic User, so I stay in the back and sling spells at people... though, of course, I don't get the cool ones until higher levels. I plan on making a Cleric and a Monk in the future. And don't worry, if you like gimmicky characters, we LOVE those. If you don't like gimmicky characters, we LOVE those too! So come out and join us!

Ok, I'm done with my recruitment speech. I'm going to list my character concepts!

Magic User: Ishmael Azerus
Magus of the Rose
There was a time where Ishmael was a nasty con man. You wouldn't believe that looking at him now. He's done with his cheating, tricky ways. You see, he met this girl... well, actually, he doesn't like talking about her. Not anymore. Let's just say that she's the reason for pretty much everything about him right now, and leave it at that.

Cleric: Agent BA-6 "Crescendo"
Elite Beat Agent
The EBA are a group of "Men in Black" that, essentially, perform miracles through the power of music. No, it doesn't make sense, but it still works!

Monk: 0. The Fool
The Traveller
I don't have all that great a concept here yet, but I'd like to make a character based on the Tarot. We'll see how that works out.

Yesterday's Card: Eight of Swords
Reflection: Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not free yet. But I definitely managed to get an arm free, and there's a lockpick in my hand. Now, if only I can figure out how to pick the lock...

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